“A grand gala was to be held this night as a retirement party for the opera’s managers, Monsieur Debienne and Monsieur Poligny. The celebration would include various operatic renditions company’s boorish diva, La Carlotta. It would also mark the arrival of the new managers, Monsieur Richard and Monsieur Moncharman.
“Good heavens!” Exclaimed M. Debienne as he and M.Poligny briskly walked down the hall. “Welcome to l’Opera Garnier!” He said grabbing each man’s hand enthusiastically. “We are so very glad you are finally here! We cannot wait to show you everything. Shall we begin with-“
Suddenly the greeting was interrupted as flew a man came sprinting towards them.
“My managers, La Caroltta has fallen ill!” the man frantically panted.
Poligny groaned and massaged his temples. “I cannot wait to be rid of this whole damned business!” He growled.
“Come, Come now, everything is fine!” bellowed Debienne, shooting Poligny a dangerous look, “Fetch the understudy!”
The red-faced man nodded and scampered away as quickly as he came.
Debienne turned to M. Moncharmin and M. Richard. “Ah, ha gentleman.” He chortled nervously, “Not a common occurrence, I assure you! Shall we proceed?”