I had a fantastic time and throughly enjoyed myself.
Seeing them play and hearing Alex's stories, it really got me to thinking about my own way of living and how I ought to change it. I've become so bitter and lifeless living in Manhattan, It's hard for me to stay motivated and trudge through the rest my four years here.
I need to find out what makes me tick, and what inspires me, some passion to dedicate my life to. I haven't found it yet. I love my art, but I'm tired of being told the world is going to break me if thats what I'm going to love and do.
Alex is the prime of example of doing what you love, and not letting anything get in your way of doing it. Find a way to make it happen and just do it!

Yellin' & Stompin'

Every one was really excited about the song Oh, Eloise.

Fanny: The Cellist
In addition to Alex's tales of wonderful, like-minded people across the country, I also picked up a 'zine he'd been working on with his wonderful girlfriend, Fanny.
It's about a the counterculture of seed sharing, organic farming and the importance of seed banks in the act to preserve our natural crops and culture. It's beautifully written and Illustrated and I HIGHLY recommend getting a copy!
Contact Alex on his blog and get a copy! (check out his great illustrations, too!):
A Thorough Heap