Here are some recent projects I've finished!
I apologize for not updating with anything substantial in awhile.
These are projects for school, excluding Bison piece.

The lovely Beatles, Rendered in gouache. Our "Premier or Grand Opening" project.
I decided to depict the Beatles arrival in the states for the first time. :)

A few friends of mine and I were coming up with the various scenarios that went on in each others heads. Some of them were quite hilarious and were deemed worthy of an illustration. I will defiantly be doing more of these when I have the time. (This one will eventually be a hyper rendered oil painting as well.)
This is the mind of Alex Krokus (His blog can be viewed here:
In his mind, he is wild bison running merrily with giraffes as Old Glory flaps in the wind behind him.

Another piece for school. We had to design a beverage ad that advocated halloween parties and such.
I decided to base mine on the Dia de los Muertos celebration.
I started off with acrylic, and switched over to gouache. Oh dear, I need to escape from gouache.